Students enrolled at the University of Tennessee will have access to an unprecedented number of online degree programs, thanks to a new collaboration with Arizona State University. Beginning this Fall, students can enroll in one of nine different distance learning programs, and these offerings are expected to double by 2025.
UT Chancellor Donde Plowman had this to say about the recent development: “Let’s imagine, an online program in nuclear engineering, the first two years of coursework in that program probably looked very much like the first two years at Arizona State. So if they have a nuclear engineering program, which I don’t think they do, but I just picked that as an example, our students could take the first two years of courses they’re actually offered by ASU. And in the last two, that gives us time to scale up and get our programs together. They’re very interested in programs that they don’t have that we do. [Agriculture] is one, nuclear engineering is another one.”
The partnership between UT and ASU has been years in the making, and school leaders are excited to see it coming to fruition.
The University of Tennessee is ranked among the top 55 public schools in the United States by U.S. News & World Report.
Source: UT To Offer New Online Degrees Through Partnership With Arizona State University
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