Southern Miss Adds Two New Online Degree Programs

online degree programs

The Board of Trustees for the Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning recently approved two new online degree programs at the University of Southern Mississippi—a Bachelor of Applied Science in Allied Health and a Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science.

Both of these programs already exist as concentrations within established degree programs at the university. With the Board’s recent approval, these concentrations will be expanded to standalone programs.

Dr. Casey Prestwood, Associate Commissioner for Academic and Student Affairs, says the bachelor’s degree in allied health will fill a growing need for professionals in the field: “Allied health professionals obtaining a four year degree also play a role in addressing workforce development needs in both healthcare and public health sectors.” The 120-credit hour program will be available entirely online.

The online PhD in Computer Science will emphasize experiential learning in academic areas such as robotics, cybersecurity research, data science, bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, and computer vision. It will also be offered entirely via distance education.

The Board also approved the establishment of two distinct centers at the university: the Gulf South Center for Community Engaged Health Research and Innovation and the Center for Community Engagement.

Southern Miss has a history of developing high-quality online degree programs. U.S. News & World Report has ranked its online graduate degrees in business and criminal justice among some of the best in the country. At CVO, we recently highlighted the university in our ranking of the Top 10 Online Colleges Offering Laptop Deals.

You can learn more about the university’s online degree programs at its official website.

Source: Magnolia Tribune— IHL Approves Two New Online Degree Programs at Southern Miss

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