Top Online Schools Offering Writing Tutoring for ESL Students

online colleges esl support

Why Writing Support Matters for ESL Students in Online Programs

We’ll feature 10 online colleges that offer services in writing tutoring for ESL students. You’ll find useful information, including their best features and benefits.

There’s no exact information about the number of ESL college students in the US. But it’s safe to say that a significant number of college students are ESL learners. Even community colleges have seen an increase in ESL learners.

Texas, California, and New Mexico have the highest number of ESL learners. The University of Rochester, New York University, and Florida Institute of Technology are among the universities with significant numbers of ESL learners.

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Every ESL learner faces unique challenges in academic writing. We can identify common challenges that ESL learners encounter.

Basic understanding of the English language 

This is the most obvious challenge because ESL learners are non-native English speakers. Many, if not most, ESL learners in college have a basic understanding of the language. In fact, many US colleges demand TOEFL scores for ESL learners for admission.

But academic writing is a new ball game. Even college students with fluent English language skills will find it challenging. Basic understanding won’t do.

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Little to no understanding of American academic writing conventions

Academic writing conventions are complex, too. These include formal structure, technical words, and citations, as well as finding credible sources. Mastery of these complex aspects takes years, too.

But these conventions aren’t taught in high school as intensively as they should be. College students come into university with poor academic writing skills. The issue will likely be more obvious among ESL learners.

To be more specific, ESL learners face challenges in:

  • Grammar and syntax
  • Vocabulary
  • Cultural nuances
  • Fear of making mistakes
  • Time constraints (i.e., writing in a second language usually demands more time and effort)

Furthermore, ESL learners in online programs experience feedback issues. There’s less access to real-time feedback in online programs. ESL learners can second-guess themselves, among other issues.

These unique challenges highlight the importance of online schools with ESL support. Here are the reasons for their crucial importance.

Personalized guidance

Dedicated ESL support addresses the unique challenges every student faces. You can make faster progress when the ESL support aligns with your needs and goals.

Improved academic performance

Strong academic writing skills translate to strong speaking skills, too. With every excellent paper you submit, your grades improve. Being able to participate in class discussions helps, too. Your confidence improves, too, which has a positive impact on your life.

Increased appreciation for cultures

If you understand more of a language, you can appreciate its culture more, too. This is true with your native language and the English language. Your multicultural perspective will boost your personal and professional growth, too.

Keep in mind that you have the ultimate responsibility to take full advantage of ESL support. Your online college may offer excellent ESL writing support services. But if you don’t use these services, you’re missing out on growth opportunities.

What to Look for in Writing Tutoring Services for ESL Students

It’s easy enough how to find ESL-friendly online schools – research them on the web, for starters. When you do, you’ll find plenty of choices.

But the most important question is, “What are the key features you must look for in writing tutoring services for ESL students?” Here are the key features in our opinion.

One-on-one sessions

Again, every ESL learner has their writing challenges. One-on-one sessions mean personalized tutoring services that align with your needs and goals. These goals can be creative writing or academic writing.

Your tutor will create a personalized plan with your writing strengths and weaknesses in mind. Then, you can work on the areas that need improvement. You can also ask questions, engage in practice tests, and progress at your own pace.

Plus, one-on-one sessions promote more focus and less comparison with others. You won’t be as hesitant to ask questions when it’s just you and your tutor.

Personalized feedback

A personalized writing tutoring plan means personalized feedback. There are less blanket statements and more targeted statements about your areas for improvement.

Here are a few examples of targeted feedback.

“Clarify your thesis statement to support your argument.”

“Provide more specific evidence (e.g., research studies) for your arguments.”

“Correct mistakes in formatting and citation”

As your writing skills improve, your tutor’s feedback should change, too.

Understanding language learning challenges

ESL tutors recognize the unique challenges that their tutees face and know strategies to overcome them. More importantly, they must have patience and empathy in understanding the struggles their tutees face.

This isn’t an easy aspect to know unless you’ve experienced it firsthand. You can, however, ask current students about their personal experiences with the ESL writing tutors.

Use of a wide range of tools and resources

Look for writing tutoring services that use multimedia tools like:

  • Interactive writing platforms
  • Grammar and style checkers
  • Plagiarism detectors 
  • Text-to-speech tools
  • Concept mapping tools (e.g., MindMeister)

Collaboration tools, such as document sharing, are also essential.

Flexibility and accessibility

If possible, look for 24/7 tutoring services. But if these aren’t available, look for effective scheduling options. Of course, online writing tutoring services must be offered on an accessible platform.

These features are vital to your academic success as an ESL student, too. You have dedicated academic support services that meet your unique needs. There are more opportunities to meet your peers, build your network and community, and be part of the campus community at large.

Top Online Schools Offering Writing Tutoring for ESL Students

University of Michigan

UMich is among the best online colleges for ESL students, thanks to the Sweetland Center for Writing. International and multilingual students receive academic support through:

  • Weekly writing workshops. A student will discuss their course-based writing assignment with a faculty member.
  • Peer Writing Center. A student meets with a trained Peer Writing Consultant to discuss their writing assignment.
  • Asynchronous written feedback

UMich also offers two writing courses for international and multilingual students – College Writing and Editing & Style.

University of Chicago

The English Language Institute at UChicago offers online tutoring programs for ESL learners. College Core students must schedule an appointment with a Writing Tutor.

Writing Tutors for ESL students perform the following services:

  • Provide feedback on the flow and organization
  • Give tips on boosting readability
  • Help assess the credibility of sources and citations
  • Discuss the proper voice, tone, and formality

The online tutoring sessions (via Zoom) are free of charge.

California State University Long Beach

CSULB is among the most affordable online schools with writing tutoring services. The Learning Center offers these effective ESL writing services. The public teaching-focused university provides these services for free, too.

Students can choose between two options:

  • Schedule an appointment with a writing tutor.
  • Get involved in drop-in tutoring services.

There’s also a Conversation Lab where students can engage in conversations to improve their speaking skills.

Utah Tech University

The ESL Program at Utah Tech provides writing help for ESL students in online programs. Its mission is to provide them with instruction and support for their English language skills.

Utah Tech has five objectives in its ESL Program that highlight its holistic approach:

  • Reading
  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Writing
  • Awareness

At mastery, students must have the reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills based on ACTFL guidelines. The awareness goal refers to acceptable behavior in American universities.

Maryville University

The Writing Studio offers among the best tutoring for ESL students in online colleges for these reasons.

  • Writing tutors provide personalized learning sessions for every student in the program.
  • Students can ask for specific or general assistance related to their writing skills.
  • Visits may be initiated by the student or recommended by an instructor.
  • Tutorials for speaking engagements, such as in-class presentations and daily conversations, are available.

There is also a wide range of online writing resources available.

University of Washington

U-Dub offers writing courses and programs that enable ESL students to develop their writing skills. Students can choose from a wide range, too, from technical to creative writing.

U-Dub also offers on-campus writing centers that online students can access, including:

  • Odegaard Writing and Research Center
  • Center for Learning and Undergraduate Enrichment’s Writing Center
  • Interdisciplinary Writing Studio

Students majoring in anthropology, political science, and sociology also have access to college-specific writing centers.

New York University

NYU’s EWP Writing Center provides a wide range of writing support services, including:

  • Writing groups
  • Workshops
  • Individualized writing conferences
  • Peer tutoring
  • Discipline-specific writing consultations

Peer tutors, as well as faculty and graduate student consultants, are the people behind these services. Reviews and feedback ensure students improve their writing skills.

University of Pennsylvania

UPenn’s English Language Programs provide extensive support services for ESL students.

  • Intensive English Program, a full-time program with a strong focus on English language writing and speaking skills. 
  • University Connection Program, which combines tailored academic advising and English preparation
  • Institute for Academic and Professional Studies, which offers rigorous courses related to writing skills

Online tutoring services are also available. Students can also attend the Writing Workshop Series.

Southern New Hampshire University

SNHU’s Intensive English (ESL) Curriculum adopts a holistic approach to make language learning fun. Aside from classroom-based learning, students will also engage in:

  • Culture studies
  • English, as used in different areas of modern society, such as banking, criminal justice, and health
  • Field trips to points of interest and walking campus and city tours

Students who complete the curriculum have improved writing, reading, and speaking English language skills.

Liberty University

Liberty offers dedicated writing tutoring services for ESL students. The Online Writing Center provides writing services for all students regardless of their English writing proficiency. Both expert writing tutors and peer tutors are on hand to provide effective writing services.

ESL students can also access one-on-one tutoring services and tailored resources.

Benefits of Writing Tutoring for ESL Students

Here are ways in which academic writing support for ESL learners supports their academic success.

Improved English language proficiency

This is the most obvious benefit of writing tutoring sessions for ESL students. You’ll improve your writing and reading skills, as well as your level of comprehension. There will be improvements in your grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure.

Increased mastery of academic writing conventions

Name a college course, and it will usually have an academic writing requirement. When you’ve achieved basic mastery of academic writing conventions, you’re in a good place. You’ll also know the different writing conventions for different papers, such as essays, research papers, and reports.

Increase in grades

Better academic writing skills can result in better grades, too. Your professors will recognize that your essays, reports, and research papers are college-level work. Your improved writing skills will also translate to your exams, even multiple-choice tests. Why? Your English language comprehension and its nuances have improved.

But it isn’t only in better grades that the benefits of ESL writing tutoring apply. You’ll also be more confident in your communication skills. Being a better writer can translate to being a better speaker, especially with consistent practice.

Here’s a real-life example of the satisfaction that an ESL learner gets from writing tutoring services.

“I enrolled in the Academic English Pre-Matriculation Program: Writing because I thought this is a great opportunity to learn North American academic writing, and it did really help me a lot.”


University of Chicago

Conclusion: ESL Support Makes All The Difference

In conclusion, dedicated ESL support can make the difference between struggling and thriving in college. You’ll receive personalized guidance and feedback on your writing skills and language proficiency. Better yet, you’ll gain confidence in yourself, gain a multicultural perspective, and expand your community.

So, be sure to explore your options in online colleges offering ESL writing support. You’ll find that, indeed, it’s a time investment that pays off soon.