Key Takeaways:
- NutriGuides app offers personalized diet plans and nutritional info based on specific health conditions, with future updates planned.
- Journal of Food Science app provides access to current and past journal issues, aiding in academic and professional research.
- Kitchen Calculator Pro app assists with measurement conversions in cooking and recipe development, improving accuracy and ease.
Whether you are a professional working in the food science industry, or you’re still a college student studying food science, there are some great apps for food science that you can use on a daily basis. While some apps are more suitable for cooking at home for your friends and family, other apps let you learn more about nutrition and other subjects.
Best Food Tech App Options
One of the best apps for food science students and professionals is NutriGuides, which is an app designed by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND). Though you do need to make a small payment to download the app, the AND plans on updating the app in the future and providing paid users with free upgrades and updates. The app offers tips on how people suffering from certain diseases can recover and feel better about themselves after making dietary changes. It shows you diet plans and other nutritional information based on the disease or condition you select and includes updated research on nutrition done by the AND.
Featured Programs
Related to Food Apps for College Students:
Journal of Food Science
The Journal of Food Science is the primary professional journal used in the industry. Finding copies for sale in your area is often hard, and your college may not subscribe to the journal. With the new app available for iOS devices, you can now download current and pass issues right to your device. You can purchase individual issues and look over a free preview of each issue before you buy too. When you download a new issue, you can view a complete list of all sections and articles in that issue. Click on any title to load an article.
What’s Invasive!
Though Scientific American didn’t create a list of the top apps for food science, it did create a list of apps for regular people who want to do scientific work on their own time. That list includes What’s Invasive!, which is a free app that shows you all the invasive species of animals and plants that live in the area you select. When you find one of those plants or animals, you can take a picture with your phone and use your GPS to upload its exact coordinates to the database for others to use. This is best for food science professionals and students because it shows how nature can impact the foods available in a specific area.
Kitchen Calculator Pro
Whether working in a classroom or at home, many of your projects will require that you do quick calculations. Kitchen Calculator Pro is an app that makes doing those calculations easier than ever before. It lets you pick measurements like tablespoons, teaspoons, fluid ounces and millimeters. You can convert that amount into a different measurement to ensure that you use the right amount every time. This app is great for those working in recipe development and quality assurance.
Harvest by Sean Murphy
One of the more unique apps for food science enthusiasts is Harvest by Sean Murphy. Murphy created this app as a way to help shoppers find the freshest produce and to choose the healthiest foods. You select your current zip code, and the app will then show you a list of the freshest produce that is currently in season. It also shows you the pesticide levels found in some fruits and vegetables and offers tips on storing produce to keep it fresh and safe.
Apps provide users with convenient information they can use on the go via their smartphones or tablets. The best food tech apps help professionals and students make measurements and select the best foods.