Key Takeaways:
- Ivy League universities offer over 500 free online courses globally via platforms like Coursera and edX, covering diverse subjects.
- These courses enable learners worldwide to access prestigious education in fields like computer science, business, and humanities.
- Completion of these courses can lead to certification, enhancing resumes and providing in-depth knowledge from top-tier faculty.
If you are looking for free online courses from ivy league schools, this article will help you find some of the most interesting ones. We have listed the top 50 online courses you can take from Ivy League institutions for free.
The Ivy League schools are among the most prestigious colleges in the world. Students from everywhere aspire to be a part of them. But getting an ivy league degree is not always easy. The competition to get into them is intense. The Ivy League schools themselves are very selective. Many consider the effort it takes to get into ivy league schools not to be worth it. If you can get in, then ivy league schools are definitely worth it. But the world has gone digital, with many advantages, especially in education.
Featured Programs
All these universities now have an ivy league continuing education department. That means students can enroll from anywhere in the world. Moreover, they offer free online courses across multiple platforms – through their own portals or MOOCs like Coursera or edX.
The U.S. News and World Report national university rankings place all eight Ivy League colleges in the top fifteen. The schools are:
- Harvard University
- Brown University
- Cornell University
- Dartmouth University
- Yale University
- Princeton University
- University of Pennsylvania
- Columbia University
Students can choose from over 500 free online courses in various categories. These may include:
- Computer Science
- Programming
- Humanities
- Art
- Science
- Design
- Business
- Social Sciences
- Mathematics
- Health & Medicine
- Education & Teaching
- Engineering
These are categorized on the MOOC websites and indexed for easy searches. The list is automatically updated when new online courses are added or dropped from them.
We have tried to cover a diverse field of subjects in our list of free online courses from Ivy League schools. You will find the link to visit the course website if any of them are of interest to you. We have listed them in order of 50 to 1, but they are not ranked. All of these free online courses are available to students worldwide at no cost.
#1 Global History of Capitalism
Princeton University via edX
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Cost: Free
In this Princeton University course, students delve into capitalism. This includes its evolution, and the need for a global perspective to understand its development and impact. Through online learning, they investigate multiple types of explanations and impacts on local, regional, national, and global levels. The course from Princeton University emphasizes the complexity of capitalism over narratives like environmental destruction, enormous waste, exploitation of workers, overpowered corporations, or outrageous inequality. Through these topics, students examine others connected to capitalism’s evolution. These include things like labor relations, migration, war, energy, and the environment. In this free online course, students also learn about the integration of markets, longer life expectancies, and instant connectivity under the guidance of a Princeton University professor.
#2 Trademark Law
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
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Cost: Free
In this course from the University of Pennsylvania, students learn about the fundamentals of U.S. trademark law. They look at ways in which product manufacturers and services companies can establish and protect their identities and their products’ identities in the marketplace. The protections afforded under trademark law have allowed leading brands to create incredible value in intangible assets, exceeding billions. From a University of Pennsylvania professor, students learn about this. They also learn about the purpose of trademark law and why it is important. They explore the different trademarks. Examples includes names, logos, designs, trade dress, and strategies for choosing and protecting valuable brands.
#3 Humanitarian Response to Conflict and Disaster
Harvard University via edX
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Cost: Free
It is very important to learn how our efforts can alleviate human suffering in a world with increasing humanitarian emergencies. This Harvard University course attempts to do just that. Students learn the principles of the humanitarian response to modern emergencies and explore how it has evolved. Delivered in partnership between the Harvard University Humanitarian Initiative and HarvardX, the course explores the challenges faced in the humanitarian field. Via online learning, students learn about the legal and historical frameworks. They also evaluate the ethical and professional principles that guide humanitarian response to emergencies, conflict, and disaster.
#4 Introduction to Probability
Harvard University via edX
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Cost: Free
In this Harvard University course, students learn probability. Probability is an essential set of tools and the language to understand data, randomness, and uncertainty. Probability, along with statistics, brings logic to a world that is filled with randomness and uncertainty. Students learn to solve challenging technical problems as well as to apply those solutions in business and everyday life. The course from Harvard University draws examples from fields where probability is needed. This can include everything from medical testing to sports prediction. They gain a strong foundation for the study of statistical inference, stochastic processes, and randomized algorithms.
#5 Improving Communication Skills
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
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Cost: Free
Taught by an award-winning Wharton professor, students learn to communicate more effectively at work and achieve their goals in this University of Pennsylvania course. It is course 2 of 4 in the Achieving Personal and Professional Success Specialization series. Under the instruction of a University of Pennsylvania professor, students learn about the most successful strategies and tools to improve communication skills. By the end of the higher education course, they are equipped with the knowledge and awareness to understand what others want, craft convincing and clear messages, and develop critical communication plans for businesses. The 100% online course from the University of Pennsylvania is very flexible. It takes about 10 hours to complete through online learning.
#6 The Science of Learning – What Every Teacher Should Know
Teachers College, Columbia University via edX
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Cost: Free
In this Columbia University teaching course for K-12 teachers, students explore the science of learning and how to use current research to improve classroom outcomes. Using current research in higher education, they learn how the brain makes, stores, and retrieves memories. The course from Columbia University is aimed to enhance the practice of K-12 teachers. Students examine common misconceptions and misunderstandings about learning that can prevent students from learning at their fullest capacity. They also explore the practical implications of cognitive science for classroom teaching under the guidance of a Columbia University professor.
#7 English for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
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Cost: Free
In this course from the University of Pennsylvania, students explore innovative areas of scientific study. They also expand their vocabulary and language skills for sharing scientific information. The class does not lead to a certificate, Still, it is quite popular with non-native English speakers interested in improving their English skills in the sciences. Students learn how to preview texts and practice some of the language used to compare global warming and climate change. They also examine the chemistry of climate change and the language of cause and effect. Under the guidance of a University of Pennsylvania professor, they investigate practical advances in Nanotechnology that help slow down climate change.
#8 Introduction to Family Engagement in Education
Harvard University via edX
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Cost: Free
In this Harvard University course, students learn about successful collaborations between families and educators and the reasons for improved outcomes for students and schools. They learn what family engagement is and why it is an increasingly recognized and integral element for proficient practice as an educator. With the help of a Harvard University professor, students get to explore the research linking family engagement to better educational outcomes. They speak directly with researchers, students, educators, and families about the success of students and promising practices in the field.
#9 Buddhism Through Its Scriptures
Harvard University via edX
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Cost: Free
In this course from Harvard University, students experience Buddhism through its scriptures, both relationally as well as academically. They learn about the rich and diverse beliefs and practices of Buddhists across time and place. A Harvard University professor provides them with the opportunity to become acquainted with a variety of Buddhist teachings while guiding them to think about everything in new ways. A combination of carefully selected informational and informational readings teach them to interpret, reflect upon, and apply the teachings of the Buddha to their own life.
#10 Introduction to Ancient Egypt and Its Civilization
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
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Cost: Free
This University of Pennsylvania course explores the features of Ancient Egyptian culture that have fascinated people over the millennia. The course is taught by Dr. David Silverman, Professor of Egyptology at Penn. The professor is the curator of the Tutankhamun exhibitions, and Curator in Charge of the Egyptian Section of the Penn Museum. Students get a guided tour of the mysteries and wonders of this ancient land. It includes many original Egyptian artifacts. These accompany the lectures as students make their own discovery of this fascinating culture alongside a University of Pennsylvania professor.
#11 Accounting Analytics
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
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Cost: Free
Taught by Wharton’s acclaimed accounting professors, this free online course from the University of Pennsylvania explores financial statement data and non-financial metrics. It also looks at how they can be linked to financial performance. Though it’s a short course, it provides students with a clear understanding of how data is used to assess what drives financial performance and forecast future financial scenarios. The University of Pennsylvania course is designed to help professionals make better business decisions about the emerging roles of accounting analytics. They can apply what they learn to make informed business decisions and create strategies using financial data.
#12 Calculus: Single Variable Part 4
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
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Cost: Free
The popular free online course on calculus from the University of Pennsylvania covers the core ideas of single-variable Calculus. It emphasizes conceptual understanding and applications. It is a great choice for students who are beginners in engineering, physical, and social sciences. The course is part of a series covering computing areas and volumes, physical applications, various geometric applications, and averages and mass. With the help of a University of Pennsylvania instructor, students learn to introduce and use Taylor series and approximations from the beginning and emphasize the conceptual over the computational. They also explore how a novel synthesis of discrete and continuous Calculus forms and a clear, dynamic, unified approach.
#13 Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Part 1: The Electrical Properties of the Neuron
Harvard University via edX
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Cost: Free
This three-course series from Harvard University explores the fundamentals of Neuroscience. Students learn how electricity makes the neurons in the brain tick. They explore the structure and function of the nervous system. This includes the inner workings of a single nerve cell to complex brain functions and the social interactions they enable. With instruction from a Harvard University professor, students also learn how individual neurons use electricity to transmit information. They study the electrical properties in individual neurons. This helps build a foundation for understanding the function of the entire nervous system.
#14 Introduction to Classical Music
Yale University via Coursera
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Cost: Free
This introductory Yale University course uses a simple and enjoyable teaching style. It introduces the novice listener to the wonders of classical music. This includes everything from Mozart symphonies and Bach fugues to Puccini operas. In this Yale University class, students gain essential skills in art, music, history, and chord history. This course aims to explain the pull of music, especially classical music. Students are encouraged to uncover the mysteries and beauties of some of the Western culture’s greatest musical compositions. They begin with music elements, breaking classical music into its components of duration, pitch, and sound color. All aspects of the course are designed by a Yale University professor to help students better understand how music works.
#15 Robotics: Perception
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
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Cost: Free
In this University of Pennsylvania course, students learn how robots perceive the world. They also learn to analyze their movements to accomplish navigation and manipulation tasks. They study how images and videos from cameras mounted on robots can be transformed into representations like features and optical flow. They explore what 2D representations allow to extract 3D information about where the camera is and in which direction the robot moves. With guidance from a University of Pennsylvania professor, they also explore how grasping objects is facilitated by the computation of 3D posing of objects. Another topic includes how navigation can be accomplished by landmark-based localization and visual odometry.
#16 Computer Architecture
Princeton University via Coursera
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Cost: Free
In this free online course from Princeton University, students learn to design the computer architecture of complex modern microprocessors. They get a broad overview of micro-architecture, architecture, and instruction set architectures. They also learn the basic concept of pipeline and two different types of hazards. These include control hazards and the motivation for caches along with ache characteristics and basic superscalar architecture. Self-paced with flexible deadlines, the 100% online course from Princeton University takes about 50 hours to complete. The course does not offer a certificate upon completion, but all the features are available for free.
#17 Machine Learning for Data Science and Analytics
Columbia University via edX
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Cost: Free
In this free online course from Columbia University, students learn the principles of machine learning and the importance of algorithms. The class explores why Machine Learning is a growing field. It analyzes its uses for searching the web, credit scoring, stock trading, placing ads, and other applications. With guidance from a Columbia University, students also analyze why algorithms play an essential role in Big Data analysis and how it is related to statistics and data analysis. They develop a basic understanding of the principles of machine learning and derive practical solutions using predictive analytics. They also learn to use data patterns to make decisions and predictions. Real-world examples are utilized.
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
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Cost: Free
Trends have become the flavor of our digital lives. This course from the University of Pennsylvania takes a look at how viral marketing works, how to better sell a brand, product, or ideas on social media and the web. Students explore the key ideas behind viral marketing and how to apply ideas to be more effective at marketing efforts. University of Pennsylvania Professor Jonah Berger draws on principles from his best-selling book, “Contagious: Why Things Catch On.” He illustrates successful strategies to use buzz to create virality. The idea is that campaigns become more shareable on all channels.
#19 Introduction to Marketing
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
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Cost: Free
This introductory University of Pennsylvania course is designed for beginners looking to switch to marketing. Taught by three of Wharton’s top faculty in the marketing department, it covers all the essential elements. These include branding, customer loyalty, and go-to-market strategies. Students will learn how brand equity is one of the key elements of keeping customers in a dynamic world. They also understand the drivers that influence customers to create go-to-market strategies and customer-centricity that starts with customer focus and need-gathering. Student submissions are evaluated and reviewed by University of Pennsylvania and Wharton-trained staff.
#20 Game Theory
Yale University via Open Yale Courses
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Cost: Free
The introductory course on game theory and strategic thinking from Yale University is a popular choice among students. Students learn how certain behaviors develop and interact in the context of finance, politics, and trading. The various topics covered in this Yale University class are dominance, Nash equilibrium, backward induction, evolutionary stability, commitment, credibility, adverse selection, asymmetric information, and signaling. These are discussed in detail by a Yale University professor. The professor explains how they can be applied to games played in class. Examples are drawn from economics, the movies, politics, and elsewhere.
#21 Microeconomics: The Power of Markets
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
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Cost: Free
This University of Pennsylvania course empowers students to be informed and critical thinkers who can understand, analyze and evaluate market outcomes. It is a great course for students interested in learning how our economy functions at a basic level. This may include buying decisions, and price fluctuations. It is a good start to learning about microeconomics. In online courses like this, students explore the various market signals that impact economic decisions every day. The introduction to the microeconomic theory of markets from the University of Pennsylvania starts with the concept of scarcity and how specialization according to comparative advantage helps us achieve more than we could alone.
#22 A Law Student’s Toolkit
Yale University via Coursera
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Cost: Free
This popular Yale University course is a great choice for students looking to go to law school. Even advanced law school students looking to review the basics will find the course helpful. A Yale University professor covers all the basic concepts, tools, terminology, and resources for lawyers. Thus, the course helps build the foundation to succeed in law school and beyond. A series of short lectures and assignments along with a comprehensive reading list provides them with a roadmap. Lessons comprising this course from Yale University are modular though they may cross-reference each other.
#23 Justice
Harvard University via edX
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Cost: Free
This introductory Harvard University course explores moral and political philosophy that leads students to ask better questions. A popular choice for students, both online and on-campus, it provides a broad context of criminal and social justice in the modern system. Students conduct a critical analysis of classical and contemporary theories of justice. Via online courses like this, students are taught to analyze their own views based on these critical examinations. The self-paced course from Harvard University takes about twelve weeks to complete. Students interested in learning more can upgrade.
#24 Moralities of Everyday Life
Yale University via Coursera
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Cost: Free
This Yale University course teaches us how to understand others and ourselves better. It explains how evolution, society, religion, and culture shape us and influence behavior like kindness and cruelty. With the help of a Yale University instructor, students explore and delve into the exciting questions of moral action. This includes how it has evolved to the norms of today. These psychological foundations of our moral lives not only define our present but also pave the way for future generations. Online courses like this one from Yale University also show us how nature and nurture combine to form the reactions of each individual, which can range from saintly to pathological.
#25 Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies
Harvard University via edX
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Cost: Free
This popular business and management course from Harvard University blends two very important topics – public health policy and entrepreneurship. It then probes ways they can be used to improve health systems around the world. It takes an interdisciplinary approach to understand and solve complex social problems in emerging economies. The creative process of innovation starts with looking at current issues and harnessing diverse perspectives to find viable solutions. The self-paced Harvard University course takes about six weeks to complete. Students interested in learning more about entrepreneurship and innovation can upgrade as well.
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
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Cost: Free
In this free online course from the University of Pennsylvania, students learn to allocate resources, test and scale their enterprise and create social change from truly experienced entrepreneurs. The course is designed for those who want to identify and bring about transformative societal change, create innovative and effective solutions to global social problems. During the distance learning course, they learn to develop both a strategy and a framework for social enterprise. Guided by a University of Pennsylvania professor, they begin with defining a social problem, understanding contextual realities, developing a solution, and planning an effective deployment.
#27 Innovating in Health Care
Harvard University via edX
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Cost: Free
This unique Harvard University course helps students find innovation opportunities. These could be in healthcare technology, consulting, management, or investing by examining health care cost, access and quality. Students looking to get involved with healthcare will benefit from this distance learning course as they will learn the ins and outs of health innovation. With instruction from a Harvard University professor, they will focus on the framework of evaluating and crafting business models that blend entrepreneurial health care ventures with the six factors that critically shape new health care ventures. These include technology, structure, regulations, financing, consumers, accountability, and public policy.
#28 United States Health Policy
Harvard University via edX
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Cost: Free
In this Harvard University course, students learn the essentials of U.S. health care policy from some of the nation’s foremost teachers and thought leaders. Students enrolled in this Ivy League university class get a basic and thorough understanding of the U.S. healthcare system. The focus of the course is on the quality of care, access, and costs. They learn how care is organized, delivered, and financed. They also learn how the system is structured and how the Affordable Care Act will influence the system’s future. The Harvard University Instructor-paced course takes about four weeks to complete. It is available for optional upgrade for interested students.
#29 Introduction to Financial Accounting
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
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Cost: Free
In this free online course from the University of Pennsylvania, students learn the basics of accounting. They also master the technical skills needed to analyze financial statements and disclosures. They learn about financial analysis. This includes how accounting standards and managerial incentives affect the financial reporting process. They also learn to use the three most common financial statements: the balance sheet, the income statement, and the statement of cash flows. More importantly, they learn to apply these skills to a real-world business challenge. This course is part of the University of Pennsylvania Business Foundations Specialization.
#30 Introduction to Negotiation
Yale University via Coursera
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Cost: Free
Yale University offers the course Introduction to Negotiation: A Strategic Playbook for Becoming a Principled and Persuasive Negotiator via Coursera. The class uses case studies to teach students how to negotiate with others, uncover their interests and persuade them with fair and valid arguments. Through online courses like this, they develop a framework for analyzing and shaping negotiations. A Yale University professor teaches them to make principled arguments and become better negotiators. At the end of this Yale University course, they are better able to interpret, predict, and shape the behavior of competitors.
#31 Introduction to Corporate Finance
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
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Cost: Free
In terms of free online courses, the introductory course from the University of Pennsylvania explores finance fundamentals. It also emphasizes their application in real-world personal finance, financial intermediation, and corporate decision-making. Students considering a career in the finance world will greatly benefit by taking this class first. The 100% online course takes about seven hours to complete. Some of the key topics that they study include risk-return tradeoff, interest rates, cost of capital, retirement savings, and mortgage financing, among others. The distance learning course is part of multiple programs. It can also be applied to multiple Professional Certificates programs and Specializations.
#32 Rhetoric: The Art of Persuasive Writing and Public Speaking
Harvard University via edX
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Cost: Free
In this free online course from Harvard University, students get an introduction to American political rhetoric. They also gain critical communication skills in writing and public speaking. In online courses like this, students learn to construct and defend compelling arguments as they practice the art of persuasive writing and speech. This introduction to the theory and practice of rhetoric from Harvard University provides insights that are crucial in many settings. Through various analyses and selected speeches from prominent twentieth-century Americans, students learn how speakers and writers persuade an audience to adopt their point of view.
#33 Masterpieces of World Literature
Harvard University via edX
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Cost: Free
In this Harvard University course, students begin a global journey to explore the past, present, and future of World Literature. From the earliest periods, all great works of literature have grown with a strong influence on the cultures around them. Students learn from a Harvard University professor how these works have probed the conflicts, tensions, and connections among neighboring cultures and distant regions. They explore how great writers intervene in the global cultural landscape. They also probe how they refract their world and transform their works through these influences.
#34 Networks, Crowds and Markets
Cornell University via edX
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Cost: Free
Students examine the interconnectedness of modern life in this Cornell University course. They get to see the ties between the various aspects of our lives and understand them to their advantage. They also explore fundamental questions about how our social, personal, economic, and technological worlds are connected. With the assistance of a Cornell University professor, students explore the structure of the Internet. Other topics include game theory, the spread of social power and popularity, and the various information sources. The instructor-paced course from Cornell University can be completed in about ten weeks. Interested students have the option to upgrade.
#35 People Analytics
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
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Cost: Free
This University of Pennsylvania course explores people analytics, which is a data-driven approach to managing people at work. Three of Wharton’s top professors demonstrate how deep analysis of data techniques is used at cutting-edge companies to recruit and retain people. The introductory course from the University of Pennsylvania focuses less on practical skills to perform complex talent management data analysis and more on the theory of people analytics. But it shows students how business leaders can make decisions about their people based on big data rather than the traditional methods.
#36 The Age of Sustainable Development
Columbia University via Coursera
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Cost: Free
In terms of free online courses, this Columbia University course explains why and how economic development can be socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable. Students get an understanding of the key challenges and pathways to sustainable development. Online courses like this also delve into the reasons for inequality between and within countries. Students learn to assess these inequalities to measure and understand how to design future pathways to sustainability. More importantly, it outlines the pathways for ending extreme poverty. The self-paced, 100% online, and flexible course from Columbia University takes about 30 hours to complete.
#37 Foundations of Positive Psychology Specialization
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
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Cost: Free
This unique free online course from the University of Pennsylvania teaches science-based principles and practices for a happy, meaningful life. It also touches on the area of positive psychology and well-being. Students will engage with provocative and practical lessons to explore the roots of a happy and meaningful life. The distance learning course provides them with practical, research-backed tips based on science on living a happy and meaningful life. Backed by cutting-edge research, it shows how happiness is linked with strong social connections and contributing to the greater good. The self-paced University of Pennsylvania course takes about five months to complete.
#38 CS50’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python
Harvard University via edX
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Cost: Free
Harvard offers this free online class on artificial intelligence, so students learn to use machine learning in Python. In online courses like this, students explore the concepts and algorithms at the foundation of modern artificial intelligence. They also gain exposure to various topics in artificial intelligence and machine learning through hands-on projects. They dive into the ideas that lead to handwriting recognition, game-playing engines, and machine translation technologies. The self-paced course from Harvard University takes about seven weeks to complete. Various topics covered are graph search algorithms, optimization, classification, and reinforcement learning, among others.
#39 Statistical Thinking for Data Science and Analytics
Columbia University via edX
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Cost: Free
When it comes to free online courses, this Columbia University introductory distance learning course is a good fit for students who do not know what data science is but wish to learn. The course touches upon how to collect, analyze, and identify data. They learn how statistics plays a pivotal role in data science and how data scientists exercise statistical thinking. They explore how data scientists design data collection, obtain supporting evidence for data-based decisions, derive insights, and construct models for predicting future trends from data. The self-paced course from Columbia University takes about five weeks to complete. It also offers an optional upgrade for interested students.
#40 Introduction to Spreadsheets and Models
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
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Cost: Free
The simple spreadsheet is one of the most readily available and powerful data analysis tools that exist. All businesses use spreadsheet models to determine and measure their key success and for future planning. Short, easy-to-follow demonstrations teach students how to use Excel or Sheets to map and predict the data. In terms of free online courses, this University of Pennsylvania course teaches students how to properly organize data and analyze it to predict solutions and success. They get an introduction to basic spreadsheet tools and formulas to get the most out of a spreadsheet and form strategies.
#41 CS50’s Introduction to Computer Science
Harvard University via edX
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Cost: Free
In terms of free online courses, Harvard offers this free online class that explores the art of programming and intellectual enterprises of computer science. Students enrolled in this Ivy League university class can learn all the basics of programming like C, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, and HTML from an elite professor. They also explore coding in finance, forensics, gaming, and more, along with discussing the context of algorithms. The Harvard University course is self-paced. It takes about 12 weeks to complete. Students who earn a satisfactory score on nine problem sets (includes programming assignments and a final project) are eligible for a certificate.
#42 Networks: Friends, Money, and Bytes
Princeton University via Coursera
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Cost: Free
We can no longer think of a life without the Internet. Instant connectivity. Today, 24/7 networks are deeply embedded in our lives today. This introductory Princeton University course touches upon these and explores 20 practical questions and answers about our networked lives. Each of them has been selected for the core concepts in the networking field and relevance to our daily lives. Students enrolled in free online classes like this one from Princeton University explore and formulate the answers to the 20 questions. This helps them understand the importance of networks and technology better. This is not one of the free online courses that leads to certification upon completion.
#43 Machine Learning
Stanford University via Coursera
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Cost: Free
This Stanford University distance learning course explores effective machine learning techniques and how to implement them. It provides a broad introduction to data mining, machine learning, and statistical pattern recognition. Along with theoretical knowledge, students enrolled in this Stanford University course also gain the practical know-how to apply these techniques to new problems quickly and powerfully. They get a closer look at some of Silicon Valley’s best practices in machine learning and AI innovations. The course draws from numerous case studies and applications. These show students how to apply learning algorithms to building smart robots, text understanding, medical informatics, computer vision, and other areas.
#44 Entrepreneurship 1: Developing the Opportunity
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
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Cost: Free
The introductory distance learning course from the University of Pennsylvania defines entrepreneurship. It also introduces students to the foundational concepts of entrepreneurship. They learn about the role of venture creation in society and the difference between entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial management. The course explores who fits the profile of an entrepreneur and how a good idea can become a viable business opportunity. Students enrolled in free online classes learn to test, validate and prototype various ideas. They also learn to assess the opportunity for each. Via a University of Pennsylvania professor’s enjoyable teaching style, they explore where technology and impact entrepreneurship align and diverge. At the end of this course, they are prepared to move on to the next entrepreneurship course in the series.
#45 Improving Your Business Through a Culture of Health
Harvard University via edX
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Cost: Free
Harvard offers this course that teaches students how a Culture of Health can transform businesses, improve the well-being of employees and the company while increasing revenue. Students enrolled in this Harvard University class learn about the various tools, strategies, and tactics to address the Culture of Health issues. This knowledge helps gain a competitive advantage and stay ahead. It is important to business executives and leaders to learn how this can help them increase revenues and profits, reduce costs, and enhance the company’s reputation. They can also improve employee, consumer, and community health and wellbeing by learning from a Harvard University professor.
#46 Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies
Princeton University via Coursera
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Cost: Free
This free online course from Princeton University explores all facets of Bitcoin. This includes what it is and how it works at a technical level. Students learn all about how Bitcoins work and what makes them different. Flexible deadlines make it a good fit for working adults. This Princeton University course takes about 23 hours to complete. It can be started instantly, and students can learn on their own schedule. They learn about the price of Bitcoins and the anonymity of Bitcoin users. Other topics include the regulations behind cryptocurrencies and their future. A Princeton University professor provides students with conceptual foundations to engineer secure software interacting with the Bitcoin network.
#47 The Computing Technology Inside Your Smartphone
Cornell University via edX
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Cost: Free
In this Cornell University course, students explore the fundamental computing technology inside smartphones and the advanced techniques and powerful computer processors behind them. One of the top free online courses in our ranking, it takes approximately 10 weeks to be completed. The free online course in computer science begins by moving through the fundamental layers of computing technology step-by-step. It progresses from binary numbers to application software. A Cornell University professor then covers advanced performance techniques and the details of actual smartphone processors. Through instruction and resource guides, students enrolled in this Cornell University class get the technical knowledge and the Jade design tool experience to get into more advanced MITx 6.004 MOOC – Computation Structures course sequence.
#48 Economics of Money and Banking
Columbia University via Coursera
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Cost: Free
The economy has gone through many changes in the last few decades. Columbia University vowed to offer free online courses in an attempt to revive and update some traditions in monetary thought that have become relevant again and thus begin the process of new economic thinking. Therefore, the course places capital and money market dealers at the very center of the picture. They are the profit-seeking suppliers of market liquidity to the new system of market-based credit. The 100% online course from Columbia University can be continued at a person’s own pace and schedule. It features flexible deadlines, making it easy to attend for working adults. It takes approximately 33 hours to complete.
#49 Introduction to Digital Humanities
Harvard University via edX
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Cost: Free
This free online course from Harvard University helps students develop skills in digital research and visualization techniques. These can be used in various subjects within the field of humanities. The course walks them through the process of using digitized sources as primary sources of information and asking new questions. Students enrolled in this Harvard University course learn to find answers to how society works, including different cultures. It addresses how we interact with each other using various digital tools, methods, and sources. It is handy not only for students but also scholars, librarians, historians, and museum curators. Students also learn the many aspects of digital humanities research and scholarship from a Harvard University professor.
#50 The Science of Well-Being
Yale University via Coursera
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Cost: Free
This is one of the free online social science courses offered 100% online. Plus, students can take classes on their own schedule and complete assignments at their own pace. Offered from Yale University, the class has students engage in a series of challenges that are designed to increase their happiness and build productive habits. It takes approximately 19 hours to complete. Students can earn a certificate from Yale University upon completion. Over the duration of the course, the Yale University professor shares the misconceptions about happiness and reveals features of the mind that lead us to think and act the way we do. Then, students are shown the research to help them change. All these prepare students to take on challenging tasks and successfully incorporate specific wellness activities into their lives.
More About Top 50 Free Online Courses From The Ivy League

What are Ivy League schools?
There are some interesting theories about why Ivy League schools are so named. One story is that Caswell Adams coined the term while writing about the Columbia/UPenn football game in 1937. His own alma mater was not in the story, so he called the other schools that he was asked to cover as old “Ivy-covered” universities. For some reason, the name stuck and in 1945, eight schools signed the Ivy Group Agreement about high academic standards and football schedule. These eight schools include Yale, Harvard, UPenn, Dartmouth, Columbia, Princeton, Brown, and Cornell. Today, these schools make up the high academic standard world of the Ivy League.
Most of these (seven of the nine) colleges were founded during the colonial period. These were chartered before the American Revolution. There were two more colonial colleges: College of William & Mary and Rutgers University. They became public institutions instead.
- Harvard University was founded in 1636.
- Yale University was founded in 1701.
- Princeton University was founded in 1746.
- Columbia University was founded in 1754.
- The University of Pennsylvania was founded in 1749.
- Brown University was founded in 1764.
- Dartmouth College was founded in 1769.
- Cornell University was founded in 1865.
Ivy League schools are some of the most prestigious universities in the world. Ivy League universities get some of the largest university financial grants in the world. This, in turn, allows them to provide vast resources for financial aid for their students, high-quality academic programs, and research endeavors. They attract millions of dollars in annual research funding from both the federal government and many private sources. These endowments and generous grants also allow them to run free ivy league courses.
The U.S. News & World Report National Universities school rankings place all eight prestigious Ivy League schools among the top 17 of the 2022 ranking. This is a list that has been consistent since 2001. The Ivy League colleges are similar to prestigious groups of universities in other countries, This includes Oxford-Cambridge in the United Kingdom, the Imperial Universities in Japan, and the C9 League in China. All eight schools are members of the most prestigious alliance of American research universities – the Association of American Universities.

Is it hard to get into a degree program at Ivy League schools?
The Ivy League schools are among the most prestigious colleges in the world. Students from everywhere apply to get into them. Ivy league colleges themselves are very selective, so the competition and application process can be intense. Here’s a quick look at the admission statistics of each of the eight colleges in percentages. These Ivy League education numbers are for the Class of 2025.
- Brown 5.4%
- Columbia University 3.7%
- Cornell University 8.7%
- Dartmouth 6.2%
- Harvard University 3.4%
- UPenn 5.7%
- Princeton University 4.0%
- Yale University 4.6%
But students interested in attending Ivy League schools should not be daunted or discouraged by these numbers or by the application process. All the eight universities now offer free online courses and even full online degrees via their ivy league continuing education departments. Students who aspire to be a part of an Ivy League school can now enroll in a class or degree program from anywhere in the world. They offer free online courses from Ivy League schools across multiple platforms – through massive open online courses (MOOCs) like Coursera or edX, as well as their own portals. The digital platform has definitely expanded access to higher education, including Ivy League colleges and Ivy League courses, for students everywhere. This includes working adults who always wanted to attend Ivy League schools.
Who can get online education from Ivy League institutions?
Anyone can complete the simple application process for online education through Ivy League institutions. Students enrolling in a degree program through Ivy League schools will have to take three courses. This includes a class on critical reading and academic writing. They must earn at least a B in each. These Ivy League school programs are more accessible and often more affordable than regular programs. Students looking to add to their knowledge and attend an elite college at the same time can enroll in free ivy league courses any time and from anywhere. Most of these are free classes and some offer a certificate of completion for a minimal fee. We have listed the top 50 free online courses from Ivy League colleges above.

What are free ivy league classes and are they legit?
Free online courses or an online degree from the Ivy League are offered by the eight elite colleges in the USA through their ivy league continuing education programs. The platform via which they offer free online courses is called Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs. Some grant degrees, and some offer certificates at a minimal cost. While online education is not the same as attending these schools full time, it is increasingly being recognized by employers today.
Pros of free online courses from Ivy League schools:
- These free classes make elite education accessible to people who might not otherwise have the opportunity through online programs.
- These online education options are free to enroll in and open to all.
- These free classes are flexible and 100% online so that students can set their own schedules.
- Distance learning is great for students looking to expand their knowledge and learn from some of the greatest professors in the world.
- Ivy league colleges’ online courses incorporate various media into their course materials, thus using all digital advantages. Students can easily watch video lectures and engage in various interactive learning activities per their schedule and convenience.
- They can interact with their peers across the world through the various discussion boards and forums available to all ivy league platforms.
- Interacting with peers from around the world while taking courses online gives them a diverse, global perspective.

Cons of free online courses from Ivy League schools:
- Ivy league online education is a great opportunity but may not be suitable for students looking to earn the degree in the traditional format.
- Distance learning students may get paid printable certificates for a minimal fee but cannot get credits to count in their future education.
- MOOCs are massive and attract thousands of students from across the world, which means little personal interaction with professors, unlike regular programs.
What are the different types of free online courses from Ivy League schools?
Students can choose from over 500 free online courses that are categorized on the MOOC websites. These are indexed for an easy school search. The list is automatically updated when new courses are added or dropped from them. These categories include:
- Computer Science
- Programming
- Data Science
- Humanities
- Art
- Science
- Design
- Business
- Social Sciences
- Mathematics
- Health & Medicine
- Education & Teaching
- Engineering
How to choose an online degree from an Ivy League school?
- Visit authority MOOC sites like Coursera or edX. They partner with the schools to offer free online courses from Ivy League universities.
- You can also enroll in an online education program through the websites of the Ivy League schools themselves.
- Go through the list of online courses and choose the one that best suits your needs.
- Enroll online and set your own schedule to complete these free online courses on time.
If you like any of these programs listed above, sign up for free classes from Ivy League schools and learn from the best.
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